E A S Y - M G T

The all-in-one platform that aims to bridge the gap of information between association/property managers and everyone involved in a property transaction

Easy Blog

What is Easy-MGT

Are you tired of community management systems that overlook the very essence of community living – the community itself? Look no further than Easy-MGT, a groundbreaking platform designed to revolutionize the way communit...

The Benefits of Hiring a Property Management Company

Hiring a Property management company can bring a wealth of benefits to property owners. These benefits can outweigh the costs, and allow property owners to reap the financial rewards of property ownership without the stress of managing it.

When it comes to HOA's rules, forewarned is forearmed

Larry Murphy was a proud resident of the Tides Condominium at Sweetwater, in Jacksonville, Florida, when he decided to display his patriotism with a 17 inches American flag placed in a flower pot in his porch. No long after, according to his own statement to The Washington Post, the Tides Condominium Association deemed the flag an “unauthorized object” for which he would incur in a $100 a day

If you can't beat them, join them: become an HOA board member

A lot of people complain about their HOA rules, either because they didn't do enough research before moving in to know exactly what to expect or because the regulations were changed after they decided to join the community. One way to make sure the Homeowners Association you belong to sets reasonable rules is to join the board. But before doing so, you have to have two things in mind